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Overcoming the Fears of New Beginnings - by Dr. Maxwell

Your heart is pounding with anticipation, your breathing accelerates, your palms are sweating, and you feel an indescribable sensation in your stomach.

There is something very special about starting anew. Whether it be a new relationship, a new project a new product, a new years resolution, or a new business, new beginnings are usually filled with a myriad of emotions.

There is the exhilaration of creating or being part of something new. Parts of you just can't wait to dig-in and get started. You have visualized the desired outcome and you can almost taste success. On the other hand, you're also feeling apprehension, confusion, uncertainty, and fear, to mention a few.

Most individuals (accomplished or not) experience a roller coaster of emotions when embarking on a new venture. But the difference between those who achieve their aspirations and those who don't is RESOLVE. Resolve is defined as the act of deciding firmly on a course of action.

When people lack resolve, success seem too far away and obstacles appear insurmountable. That is often because the person that lacks resolve is more driven by the fear of failure than by the prospects of success.

Is Your passion to win greater than your fear of failing?

Conversely, individuals with a high sense of resolve are driven more by "I can" and "I will" attitudes. They do not cower or retreat when faced with the possible challenges or barriers

that may arise in the path toward achieving their goals. Individuals with resolve see and recognize the challenges but are not deterred because their passion to win is greater than their fear of failing.

Fear can drive you to achieve your objectives. However, in many situations, fear can become a debilitating and often formidable foe, sapping your energy and derailing your dreams.

Don't Underestimate the Value of Fear

As alluded-to above, people with resolve also feel fear when considering a new venture. But their resolve transforms the fear they feel into a catalyst that drives them to succeed. Skinner's research showed that the fear of consequences can be a greater motivator than rewards, it's just a matter of perception.

So how can a person develop resolve? I suggest four steps: Do reconnaissance, call for backup, divide and concur, and work smarter.

  1. Do Reconnaissance: This means to do your homework. Fear thrives in unknown circumstances. Study the new endeavor analyze possible obstacles and identify possible solutions. Devise strategies for self-motivation and encouragement. Find alternate options and keep your goal front and center in your mind and on paper.

  2. Call for Backup: Fear loses power when you know you are not alone. Your fear can quickly turn to courage when you know the backup cavalry is on its way. When you have adequate support your resolve will strengthen and your chances of succeeding will be greater. Enlist the support of others who believe in you and your cause.

  3. Divide and Concur: Turn your mountains into multiple molehills. Most challenges become less daunting when we break them into smaller chunks. Divide the project into logical manageable segments, delegate as needed, and watch your resolve increase and your success realized.

  4. Work Smarter: Implement smart goals strategies. Develop goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Remember to encourage yourself along the way. Then tackle those goals with confidence.

The fact is that there will be new beginnings in your life, your place of work, your career, or your business whether you want them or not, whether they're initiated by you or others. I believe the ideas in this article will help you develop the resolve to tackle those new beginnings and succeed. If you need additional support, coaching can help.


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